Online Roulette
Online Roulette originated in France and has two main
variations, i.e. European Roulette and American Roulette.
The latter has less favorable odds than the former, because
it's roulette wheel has two zeros instead of one. American
roulette is therefore also known as double-zero online roulette.

Online Roulette is very easy to play. Just place your
bets on any number or square on the table and wait for the
ball to land on your number(s) - or not. There are quite a
few roulette bets possible, but because they all offer the
same odds, it really makes no difference which bet you make.
However, there is one exception, the so called five-number
line bet (a bet on 0, 00, 1, 2 and 3), that has worse odds
than all other bets. When playing online roulette you should
avoid this sucker bet at all costs possible.
Play Roulette
We advise you to play roulette at internet casinos powered by Cryptologic,
as their online roulette offers surrender. When you have placed
a bet that pays 1 to 1, e.g. red-black, odd-even or high-low, and
the ball drops in a (double) zero, you don't lose automatically
when surrendering. Instead you may place the same bet again and
if you win you get your money back.